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Energy management with AI-enabled non-intrusive monitoring


Across an enterprise’s landscape, there are multiple industrial assets, machinery and devices installed with varying usage patterns. All of these devices are powered by electricity. The variable usage provides an opportunity to ascertain the energy consumption pattern and take proactive measures. This product non-intrusively taps into your organisation’s device and energy consumption network, measures the energy usage of devices individually and tracks the load on these devices at various periods. This system helps identify potential faults, improving operations and efficiency of the devices, thereby reducing periodical maintenance costs.

Your energy is precious.
We ensure you make the most of it!

Optimises energy bills at every outlet

Monitors actual operating hours

Offers insights on customer footfalls

Ensures total asset utilisation

Points out critical conditions before they worsen

Identifies wastage of energy and suggests reduction methodology

Value Proposition

Value Proposition
  • Automatically collects, calculates and reports the costs of energy consumed — department-wise, process-wise, shift-wise or equipment-wise
  • Determines the true impact of energy prices on all production lines
  • Automatic alerts to take corrective action during adverse trends
  • Removes electricity budgeting guesswork
  • Helps in minimising administrative costs and reduces data entry errors
  • Identifies devices that need servicing
  • Identifies generator run hours and fuel consumption

Energy Efficiency and Transparency

Bosch Phantom analyzes changes in current and voltage within a setup, measuring individual energy consumption across the value chain. The derivations are based on consumed load, duration of usage, peak usage pattern, etc.


Futuristic energy solutions for different industries


Phantom – A UK success story in retail

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Phantom Energy Monitoring Infographic