The Bosch Phantom Device is a non-intrusive energy monitoring solution based on AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things). To acquire power signatures, the sensor gadget taps into the asset's electrical supply in a non-intrusive manner. The signatures are analysed by an intelligent AI algorithm, which provides vital insights on asset level energy consumption and other pertinent operational parameters. These metrics can then be used to optimize energy usage, asset performance, and user behaviour, resulting in improved performance, reduced energy use, and ongoing improvement. The solution is enabled by several AWS services. AWS CloudFront, along with Simple Storage Service (S3) and Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), enables storage, analysis of energy usage and delivery of insights to the end user at low latency and high speed, with enhanced security. The routing to APIs is taken care by AWS Load Balancer (ALB) and AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) is used to alert and notify users in case of any breaches or abnormalities in energy usage. Data is stored on fully managed, flexible databases on AWS with MongoDB Atlas. The AWS IoT Core also allows connecting of multiple Phantom devices to ensure smooth communication and coherent data collection