Walk the talk
Wherever you are — our team spirit is with you.
Walk the talk
Imagine you are running a marathon, getting out of breath and suddenly see people wayside, cheering you up. The moment when you get totally energized and feel you could run on and on.
At Bosch, we live by a very strong team spirit day by day. Our distinctive corporate culture is a common bond that connects our associates all around the world and that fosters mutual support. In our daily work, we encourage ourselves to strengthen our bond even more which helps us to develop innovative solutions together.
With our team spirit we carry forward the heritage of our companies’ founder. When Robert Bosch founded his company more than 130 years ago, he established a culture based on values such as mutual respect, fairness, openness, trust, responsibility, future and result focus. We are proud to be part of this culture. A culture, you still feel in every corner of our company.

of all associates are proud to be part of Bosch.
Our values — what we build on
Our values reflect the manner in which we run our business: our professional ethics in dealing with our business partners, investors, employees, and society.
Future and result focus
Our actions are result-focused. This allows us to secure our future. It also creates a sound basis for the social initiatives of the company and the foundation.
Responsibility and sustainability
We act prudently and responsibly for the benefit of society and the environment.
Initiative and determination
We act on our own initiative, take entrepreneurial responsibility, and pursue our goals with determination.
Openness and trust
We communicate important company matters in a timely and open fashion. This is the best foundation for a relationship built on trust.
We deal fairly with our colleagues and business partners, and view this fairness as a cornerstone of our corporate success.
Reliability, credibility, legality
We promise only what we can deliver, accept agreements as binding, and respect and observe the law in all our business transactions.
We appreciate and encourage diversity for the enrichment it brings, and see it as essential for our success.